
Rehabilitación Neuropsicológica - Bibliografía

Máster Internacional en Neuropsicología clínica  - Bibliografía de consulta

El presente listado bibliográfico pertenece al módulo didáctico de Rehabilitación Neuropsicológica del Máster Internacional en Neuropsicología clínica del IAEU. Dado que el Máster se imparte íntegramente en español, los alumnos matriculados pueden consultar traducciones específicas de las referencias principales mencionadas en el contenido del máster.

El listado en inglés se publica de forma abierta y separada por su indudable interés para cualquier investigación en Rehabilitación Neuropsicológica.

Bibliografía general

Cicerone, K.D., Dahlberg, C, Kalmar, K, Langenbahn, D.M., Malec, J., Bergquist, T.F., Felicetti, T., Giacino, J.T., Harley, J.P., Harrington, D.E., Herzog, J., Kneipp, S., Laatsch, L., Morse, P.A. (2000).  Evidence-based cognitive rehabilitation: Recommendations for clinical practice. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 81: 1596-1615.

Halligan, P.W. & Wade, D.T. (2005).  The effectiveness of Rehabilitation for Cognitive Deficits.  New York, NY. Oxford University Press.

Ponsford, J., Sloan, S. & Snow, P. (1995). Traumatic brain injury: Rehabilitation for everyday adaptive living.  Hove, UK: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 

Rosenthal, M., Griffith E.R., Kreutzer, J.S. Pentland, B. (eds). (1999)  Rehabilitation of the Adult and Child with Traumatic Brain Injury. Philadelphia, FA Davis Company.

Sohlberg, M.M. & Mateer, C.A. (2001)   Cognitive Rehabilitation: An Integrated Neuropsychological Approach.  New York: Guilford Press.

Wilson, B.A. (2009)  Memory Rehabilitation: Integrating Theory and Practice.  New York, NY. The Guilford Press.

Bibliografía sobre historia y principios de la rehabilitación cognitiva

Principales referencias

Chestnut, R. M. (1999). Evidence for the effectiveness of rehabilitation for persons with traumatic brain injury. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 14, 176-188.

Hill, S. K., Dean, R. S., & Decker, S. (2001). Integration of neuropsychological and cognitive theory in rehabilitation. International Journal of Neuroscience, 111, 195-210. 

Laatsch, L.K., Thulborn, K.R., Krisky, C.M., et al. (2004).  Investigating the neurobiological basis of cognitive rehabilitation therapy with fMRI.  Brain Injury, 18, 957-974.

Prigatano, G.P. (1999). Principles of Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. NewYork: Oxford Univ. Press.

Sohlberg, M. M., & Mateer, C. A. (2001). Introduction to cognitive rehabilitation.  In M.M. Sohlberg & C.A. Mateer (Eds.), Cognitive rehabilitation (pp. 3-24).  New York: The Guildford Press.

Wilson, B.A. (2002).  Toward a comprehensive model of cognitive rehabilitation.  Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 12, 97-110.

Winocur, G., Palmer, H., Stuss, D. T., Alexander, M. P., Craik, F. I. M., Levine, B., Moscovitch, M., & Robertson, I. H. (2000). Cognitive rehabilitation in clinical neuropsychology. Brain and Cognition, 42, 120-123.

Ylvisaker, M., & Szekeres, S. F. (1998).  A framework for cognitive rehabilitation.  In M. Ylvisaker (Ed.), Traumatic brain injury rehabilitation: Children and adolescents (pp. 125-158).  Boston, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann.

Referencias seleccionadas

Cicerone, K.D., Mott, T., Azulay, J., Friel, J.C. (2004). Community integration and satisfaction with functioning after intensive cognitive rehabilitation for traumatic brain injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 85, 943–950.

Cicerone, K.D., Mott, T., Azulay, J., Sharlow-Galella, M., Ellmo, W., Friel, J. et al. (2007).  A practical clinical trial of holistic neuropsychological rehabilitation after traumatic brain injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 88, 1.

Diller L, Ben-Yishay Y. 2002. The clinical utility and cost effectiveness of holistic, milieu oriented, rehabilitation programs. In Prigatano, G. & Pliskin, N. (Eds.), Clinical Neuropsychological and Cost Outcome Research: A Beginning (pp. 293–312). New York: Psychology Press.

Gelb, A. & Goldstein, K. (1921).  Psychological analysis and brain pathology - research on head injuries. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 86, 1-143.

Goldstein, K. (1942). After-effects of Brain Injury in War. New York: Grune & Stratton

Kendall, E., Muenchberger, H., & Gee T. (2006). Vocational rehabilitation following traumatic brain injury: A qualitative synthesis of outcome studies. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 25, 49–60.

McLellan, D.L. (1991). Functional recovery and the principles of disability medicine. In M. Swash (Ed.), Clinical Neurology (pp. 768-790).  Edinburgh, UK: Churchill Livingstone.

Poppelreuter, W. (1917).  Disturbances of lower and higher visual capacities caused by occipital damage: With special reference to the psychopathological, pedagogical, industrial implications. Transl. J. Zihl, L.Weiskrantz, 1991. Oxford, UK: Oxford Univ.

Poser, U., Kohler, J.A. & Schoenle, P.W. (1996). Historical review of neuropsychological rehabilitation in Germany. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 6, 257-278.  

Wilson, B.A. (2008).  Neuropsychological rehabilitation.  Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 4, 141-162.

Wilson, B.A. (2002).  Cognitive rehabilitation in the 21st Century.  Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 16, 207-210.

Zangwill, O.L. (1947).  Psychological aspects of rehabilitation in cases of brain injury.  British Journal of Psychology, 37, 60-69.

Bibliografía sobre neuroplasticidad 

Principales referencias

Chollet, F. (2000). Plasticity of the adult human brain. In A. W. Toga & J. C. Mazziotta (Eds.), Brain mapping: The systems (pp. 621-638). San Diego, CA: Academic Press

Coelho Mosch, S., Max, J.E., & Tranel, D. (2005).  A matched lesion analysis of childhood versus adult-onset brain injury due to unilateral stroke: Another perspective on neural plasticity and recovery of social functioning.  Cognitive & Behavioral Neurology, 18, 5-17.

Kerns, K., & Mateer, C. (2000). Capitalizing on neuroplasticity. Brain & Cognition, 42, 106-109.

Kolb, B. & Whishaw, I.Q. (1998). Brain plasticity and behavior. Annual Review of Psychology, 49, 43-64.

Kolb, B., & Gibb, R. (1999). Neuroplasticity and recovery of function after brain injury. In D. Stuss, G. Winocur, & I. Robertson (Eds.), Cognitive neurorehabilitation (pp. 9-25). New York: Cambridge University Press.

Prigatano, G. P. (1999). Recovery and deterioration after brain injury. In Principles of neuropsychological rehabilitation (294-331). New York: Academic Press.

Robertson, I. H. & Murre, J. M. J. (1999). Rehabilitation of brain damage: Brain plasticity and principles of guided recovery. Psychological Bulletin, 125, 544-575.

Sohlberg, M. M., & Mateer, C. A. (2001). Variables contributing to recovery.  In M.M. Sohlberg & C.A. Mateer (Eds.), Cognitive rehabilitation (pp. 59-88).  New York: The Guildford Press.

Sunderland, A. & Tuke, A. (2005). Neuroplasticity, learning and recovery after stroke: A critical evaluation of constraint-induced therapy.  Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 15, 81-96.

Referencias seleccionadas

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Bayless, J.D., Varney, N.R., & Roberts, R.J. (1989).  Tinker toy test performance and vocational outcome in patients with closed head injuries.  Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 11, 913-917.

Belin, P., Van Eeckhout, P., Zilbovicius, M., Remy, P., Francois, C., Guilaume, S.., et al. (1996).  Recovery from non-fluent aphasia after melodic intonation therapy: A PET Study.  Neurology, 47, 1504-1511.

Ben-Yishay, Y., Diller, L., Gerstman, L. & Haas, A. (1968).  The relationship between impersistence, intellectual function and outcome of rehabilitation in patients with left hemiplegia.  Neurology, 18, 852-861.

Black, J.E., Isaacs, K.R., Anderson, B.J., Alcantara, A.A., Greenough, W.T. (1990).  Learning causes synaptogenesis, whereas motor activity causes angiogenesis, in cerebellar cortex of adult rats.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 87, 5568-5572.

Brookes, D.N. & McKinlay, W. (1987).  Return to work within the first seven years of severe head injury.  Brain Injury, 1, 5-15.

Buckner, R.L., Corbetta, M., Schatz, J., Raichle, M.E., & Petersen, S.E. (1994).  Preserved speech abilities and compensation following prefrontal damage.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA, 93, 1249-1253.

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Butefisch, C., Hummelsheim, H., Denzler, P., & Mauritz, K.H. (1995).  Repetitive training of isolated movements improves the outcome of motor rehabilitation of the centrally paretic hand.  Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 130, 59-68.

Chang, F.L.F. & Greenough, W.T. (1982).  Lateralized effects of monocular training on dendritic branching in adult split-brain rats.  Brain Research, 232, 283-292.

Chollet, F., DiPiero, V., Wise, R.J.S., Brooks, D.J., Dolan, R.J., Frackowiak, R.S.J. (1991).  The functional anatomy of motor recovery after stroke in humans: a study with positron emission tomography.  Annals of Neurology 29, 63–71.

Diamond, M.C., Dowling, G.A., Johnson, R.E. (1981).  Morphologic cerebral cortical asymmetry in male and female rats.  Experimental Neurology, 71, 261-268.

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Floeter, M.K. & Greenough, W.T. (1979).  Cerebellar plasticity: modification of Purkinje cell structure by differential rearing in monkeys.  Science, 206, 227-229.

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Grady, C.L., & Kapur, S. (1999).  The use of neuroimaging in neurorehabilitative research.  In D.T. Stuss, G. Winocur, & I.H. Robertson (Eds.), Cognitive neurorehabilitation (pp. 47-58).  Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.

Greenough, W.T., Hwang, H.F., & Gorman, C. (1985).  Evidence for active synapse formation or altered postsynaptic metabolism in visual cortex of rats reared in complex environments.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 82, 4549-4552.

Greenough, W.T. & Volkmar, F.R. (1973).  Pattern of dendritic branching in occipital cortex of rats reared in complex environments.  Experimental  Neurology, 40, 491-504.

Hawrylak, N., Greenough, W.T. (1995). Monocular deprivation alters the morphology of glial fibrillary acidic protein-immunoreactive astrocytes in the rat visual cortex. Brain Research, 683, 187–199.

Hebb, D.O. (1947).  The effects of early experience on problem-solving at maturity.  The American Psychologist, 2, 737-745.

Hebb, D.O. (1949).  The organization of behaviour: A neuropsychological theory.  New York: Wiley.

Hier, D.B., Mondlock, J., & Caplan, L.R. (1983).  Recovery or behavioural abnormalities after right hemisphere stroke.  Neurology, 33, 345-350.

Jacobs, B., Schall, M., & Schiebel, A.B. (1993).  A quantitative dendritic analysis of Wernicke’s area: II: Gender, hemispheric, and environmental factors.  Journal of Comparative Neurology, 237, 97-111.

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Kimura, D. (1983).  Sex differences in cerebral organization for speech and practice functions.  Canadian Journal of Psychology, 37, 19-35.

Kinsbourne, M. (1993).  Orientation bias model of unilateral neglect: Evidence form attentional gradients within hemispace.  In I.H. Robertson & J.C. Marshall (Eds.), Unilateral neglect: Clinical and experimental studies (pp. 63-86).  Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Kolb, B. (1987).  Recovery from early cortical damage in rats.  Differential behavioural and anatomical effects of frontal lesions at different ages of neural maturation.  Behavioural Brain Research, 25, 205-220.

Kolb, B. (1995). Brain plasticity and behavior. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Kolb, B., Forgie, M., Gibb, R., Gorny, G., & Rowntree, S. (1997a).  Age, experience and the changing brain.  Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews.

Kolb, B., & Gibb, R. (1991). Environmental enrichment and cortical injury; behavioural and anatomical consequences of frontal cortex lesions in rats.  Cerebral Cortex, 1, 189-198.

Kolb, B. & Gibb, R. (1993).  Possible anatomical basis of recovery of spatial learning after neonatal prefrontal lesions in rats.  Behavioral Neuroscience, 107, 799-811.

Kolb, B., Gibb, R., & Gorny, G. (2003).  Experience-dependent changes in dendritic arbor and spine density in neocortex vary with age and sex.  Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 79, 1-10.

Kolb, B., Gorny, G. & Gibb, R. (1994).  Tactile stimulation enhances recovery and dendritic growth in rats with neonatal frontal lesions.  Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 20, 1430.

Kolb, B. & Nonneman, A.J. (1976).  Functional development of prefrontal cortex in rats continues into adolescence.  Science, 193, 335 – 336.

Kolb, B., Stewart, J. & Sutherland, R.J. (1997).  Recovery of function is associated with increased spine density in cortical pyramidal cells after frontal lesions or noradrenaline depletion in neonatal rats.  Behavioural Brain Research, 89, 61-70.

Kolb, B. & Whishaw, I.Q. (1981).  Neonatal frontal lesions in the rat: Sparing of learned but not species-typical behavior in the presence of reduced brain weight and cortical thickness. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 95, 863-879. 

Kolb, B. & Whishaw, I.Q. (1985a).  Earlier is not always better: Behavioural dysfunction and abnormal cerebral morphogenesis following neonatal cortical lesions in the rat.  Behavioural Brain Research, 17, 25-43.

Kolb, B., Zaborowski, J., & Whishaw, IQ. (1989).  Recovery from early cortical damage in rats: Unilateral lesions have different behavioural and anatomical effects than bilateral lesions.  Psychobiology, 17, 363-369.

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Mateer, C.A., Sohlberg, M.M., & Youngman, P. (1990).  The management of acquired attention and memory disorders following closed head injury.  In R. Wood (Ed.), Cognitive rehabilitation in perspective (pp. 68-95).  London: Taylor & Francis.

Meyer, E., Ferguson, S.S.G., Zatorre, R.J., Alivisatos, B., Marrett, S., Evans, A.C., et al. (1991).  Attention modulates somatosensory cerebral blood-flow response to vibrotactile stimulation as measured by positron emissions tomography.  Annals of Neurology, 29, 440-443. 

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Robertson, I.H., Manly, T., Andrade, J., Baddeley, B.T., & Yiend, J. (1997).  Oops! Performance correlates of everyday attentional failures in traumatic brain injured and normal subjects: The Sustained Attention to Response Task (SART).  Neuropsychologia, 35, 747-758.

Robertson I.H., Mattingley, J.B., Rorden, C., Driver, J. (1998). Phasic alerting of neglect patients overcomes their spatial deficit in visual awareness. Nature, 10, 169–172.

Robertson, I.H., & Murre, J.M.J. (1999).  Rehabilitation of brain damage: Brain plasticity and principles of guided recovery.  Psychological Bulletin, 25, 544-575.

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Scheibel, A.B., Conrad, T., Perdue, S., Tomiyasu, U., & Wechsler, A. (1990).  A quantitative study of dendrite complexity in selected areas of the human cerebral cortex.  Brain & Cognition, 12, 85-101.

Sirevaag, A.M., Black, J.E., & Greenough, W.T. (1991). Astrocyte hypertrophy in the dentate gyrus of young male rats reflects variation of individual stress rather than group environmental complexity manipulations.  Experimental Neurology, 111, 74-79.

Sohlberg, M.M., McLaughlin, K.A. Pavese, A., Heidrich, A., & Plsner, M.I. (1998).  Evaluation of attention process training in persons with acquired brain injury.  University of Oregon, Institute of Cognitive and Decision Sciences, Technical Report, 98-108.

Sturm, W., Willmes, K., Orgass, B., & Hartje, W. (1997).  Do specific attention deficits need specific training?  Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 7, 81-176.

Taub, E. Miller, N.E., Novack, T.A., Cook, E.W., Fleming, W.C., Nepomuceno, C.S., Connel, J.S., & Crago, J.E. (1993).  Technique to improve chronic motor deficit after stroke.  Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 74, 347-354.

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Volkmar, F.R. & Greenough, W.T. (1972).  Rearing complexity affects branching of dendrites in visual cortex of the rat.  Science, 176, 1445-1447.

Weiller, C., Chollet, F., Friston, K.J., Wise, R.J.S., & Frackowiak, R.S.J. (1992).  Functional reorganization of the brain in recovery from striato-capsular infarction in man.  Annals of Neurology, 31, 463-472.

Weiller, C., Isensee, C., Rijntjes, M., Huber, W., Muller, S., Bier, D., et al. (1995).  Recovery from Wernicke’s aphasia: A positron emissions tomographic study.  Annals of Neurology, 37, 723-732.

Withers, G.S. & Greenough, W.T. (1989).  Reaching training selectivity alters dendritic branching in subpopulations of layer II-III pyramids in rat motor-somatosensory forelimb cortex.  Neuropsychology, 27, 61-69. 

Bibliografía sobre manejo del deterioro de la atención

Ben-Yishay Y, Piasetsky EB, Rattock J: A systematic method for ameliorating disorders in basic attention. In Meyer MJ, Benton AL, Diller L (eds): Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. New York, Guilford Press, 1987, pp 165-181.

Cicerone KD, Dahlberg C, Kalmar K, Langenbahn DM, Malec J, Bergquist TF, Felicetti  T, Giacino JT, Harley JP, Harrington DE, Herzog J, Kneipp S, Laatsch L, Morse PA:  Evidence-based cognitive rehabilitation: Recommendations for clinical practice. 

Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 81: 1596-1615, 2000.

Gray JM, Robertson I: Remediation of attentional difficulties following brain injury: Three experimental single case designs. Brain Injury 3: 163-170, 1989. 

Gray JM, Robertson I, Pentland B, Anderson S: Microcomputer-based attentional retraining after brain damage: A randomised group controlled trial. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 2: 97-115, 1992.

Mateer CA, Sohlberg MM, Youngman P: The management of acquired attentional and memory disorders following mild closed head injury. In Wood R (ed): Cognitive Rehabilitation in Perspective. London, Taylor and Francis, 1990, pp 68-95.

Mittenberg W, Tremont G, Zielinski RE, Fichera S, Rayls KR: Cognitive-behavioral prevention of postconcussive syndrome. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 11(2): 139-146, 1996.

Niemann H, Ruff RM, Baser CA: Computer assisted attention training in head injured individuals:  A controlled efficacy study of an outpatient program. Journal of Clinical and Consulting Psychology 58: 811-817, 1990.

Sohlberg MM, Johnson L, Paule L, Raskin SA, Mateer CA: Attention Process Training II: A Program to Address Attentional Deficits for Persons with Mild Cognitive Dysfunction. Wake Forest, NC, Lash Publishing, 1993.

Sohlberg MM, Mateer CA: Effectiveness of an attention training program. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 19: 117-130, 1987.

Sohlberg MM, Mateer CA: (2001). Cognitive rehabilitation: An integrated neuropsychological approach. New York, Guilford Press, 2001.

Sturm W, Hartje W, Orgass B, Willmes K: Computer-assisted rehabilitation of attention impairments. In Stachowiak F (ed): Developments in the Assessment and Rehabilitation of Brain-Damaged Patients. Tubingen, Germany, Narr, 1993.

Sturm W, Willmes K, Orgass B, Hartje W: Do specific attention deficits need specific training?  Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 7: 81-103, 1997.

Bibliografía sobre manejo de los deterioros de la memoria

Bourgeois, M. S., Camp, C. J., Rose, M., White, B., Malone, M., Carr, J., & Rovine, M. 2003). A comparison of training strategies to enhance use of external aids by persons with dementia. Journal of Communication     Disorders, 36, pp. 361–378.

Burke, J.M, Danick, J.A., Bemis, B. & Durgin, C. J. (1994). New methodology. A process approach to memory book training for neurological patients. Brain Injury, 8(1), 71-81.

Cherry, K. E., Simmons, S. S., & Camp, C. J. (1999). Spaced retrieval enhances memory in older adults with probable Alzheimer's Disease. Journal of Clinical Geropsychology, 5(3), pp. 341-356.

D’Esposito, M., & Alexander, M. P. (1995). The clinical profiles, recovery, and rehabilitation of memory disorders. Neurorehabilitation, 5, pp. 141-159. 

Donaughy, S. & Williams, W. (1998). A new protocol for training severely impaired patients in the usage of memory journals.  Brain Injury, 12(12), 1061-1071.

Ericsson, K. A., Chase, G. E., & Falcon, S. (1980). Acquisition of a memory skill. Science, 208, 1181-1182.

Emslie, H., Quirk, K. & Evans, J. (1999). George: learning to live independently with neuropage. Rehabilitation Psychology, 44(3), 284-296.

Evans J.J., Wilson B.A., Schuri U., Andrade J., Baddeley A.D., Bruna O., Canavan T., Della Salla S., Green R., Laaksonen R., Lorenzi L., Taussik I. (2000). A comparison of “errorless” and “trial-and-error” learning methods for teaching individuals with acquired memory deficits. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 10, 67-101.

Fluharty, G. & Priddy, D. (1993). Methods of increasing client acceptance of a memory book. Brain Injury, 7(1), 85-87.

Freeman M.R., Mittenberg W., DiCowden M.,  Bat-Ami M. (1992). Executive and compensatory memory retraining in traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury, 6, 65-70.

Gartland, D. (2004). Considerations in the selection and use of technology with people who have cognitive deficits following acquired brain injury. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 14 (1/2), pp.  61–75

Glasgow, R. E., Zeiss, R. A., Barrera, M., Jr., & Lewinsohn, P. M. (1977). Case studies on remediating memory deficits in brain-damaged individuals. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 33, 1049-1054.

Glisky E.L. (1995).  Acquisition and transfer of word processing skills by an amnesic patient.  Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 5, 299-318.

Glisky, E. L., & Schacter, D. L. (1986). Remediation of organic memory disorders: current status and future prospects. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 1(3), 54-63. 

Harrell, M., Parente, F., Bellingrath, E. G. & Lisicia, K., A. (1992). Cognitive rehabilitation of memory: A practical guide. Gaithersburg, Maryland: Aspen Publishers, Inc.

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Kapur, N., Glisky, E. L., & Wilson, B. A. (2004). Technological memory aids for people with memory deficits. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 14(1/2), pp. 41-60.

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Bibliografía sobre manejo de las dificultades con las funciones ejecutivas

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Bibliografía sobre apraxia

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Catherine A. Mateer y Karen Kit, Departamento de Psicología, Universidad de Victoria, Victoria, Canadá. Profesoras consultoras de IAEU.

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